Recommend a Friend

And we’ll give you BOTH 25% OFF your next visit

Introduce your family and friends to Emscote Vets and give the gift of excellent pet care. Plus, you'll both get 25% off! **

How does it work?

To recommend a friend, simply tell your friend to enter your name and address on this Recommend a Friend form when they register as a client. Our practice team will then deduct 25% from your next invoice once your friend has registered, and used our services. Your friend’s discount will be applied to their first invoice subject to it meeting the above criteria.

There is no limit to the number of friends you can recommend - so get sharing and you can spoil your pet with lots of new treats and toys!

**Terms & Conditions

Your friend must not have been treated at the practice within the last two years. The 25% credit can be redeemed against consultations, vaccinations, microchipping, food and toys. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer applies per client recommended, not per pet. There is no limit to the number of friends you can recommend. Offer ends 31st December 2023

Recommend a Friend