There has been a recent rise in the number of dogs with cropped ears in the UK. Influencers and online personalities are buying dogs with cropped ears and showing them off to their millions of followers.
The recent spike in cases is cause for concern. We want to educate people about the cruel realities of this illegal process, the effect it has on dogs and the appropriate steps you should take when purchasing a dog.
What is ear cropping?
Ear cropping is an illegal mutilation that serves no benefit to dogs. It is also known as docking or clipping. Cropping is an unnecessary procedure where part of the dog’s ear is cut off. The dog’s ear is then sometimes attached to a hard surface in order to shape them into an upright position, this process is known as splinting.
It’s often performed on such as Mastiff’s and Doberman’s, purely for cosmetic reasons and serves no benefit to the dog.

What is wrong with ear cropping?
Cropping dog’s ears is illegal in the UK under the Animal Welfare Act as it causes unnesscary suffering. Ear cropping is often performed by unqualified people without pain relief, which can be agonizing for the dog. Because of the unlicenced nature of the procedure, dogs are likely to catch infections as their painful wounds heal.
Aside from inflicting unnecessary pain, cropping removes a dog's ability to communicate how they’re feeling. Dogs use their ears to tell us if they are feeling happy or stressed. When a large part of their ear is removed, communicating their emotions can be difficult.
Some people will claim that ear cropping has benefits for dogs, such as lowering the risk of ear infection and improving their hearing. These claims are not backed by scientific research and there is no evidence to support them.

Why is ear cropping becoming more popular?
Celebrity influencers such as Love Island’s Jack Fincham and Little Mix’s Leigh-Anne Pinnock have recently showcased their pet dog’s with cropped ears to their massive online following.
In recent years, the power of influencers has been evident when it comes to dictating trends. Intentional or not, online influencers are glamourising ear cropping, even though it is illegal in the UK.
Dog’s who have had their ears cropped are percieved as ‘tough’ and this look has subsequently become desirable among the large fan bases of influencers. Ear cropping is associated with being cool and up to date with the latest trends, which has undoubtedly led to an increase in ear cropping as followers look to replicate their favourite celebrities.
How you can help stop ear cropping
If you are looking to purchase breeds such as Mastiffs or Dobermans, please do your research. Avoid breeders that have imported dogs with cropped ears.
We want to stop ear cropping, that’s why we’re supporting the British Vets Association’s #CutTheCrop campaign. Ear cropping is an illegal mutilation that brings unnecessary suffering to dogs, please help to end ear cropping by signing the petition.